I have recently taken part in a 'Ward Walkabout'.
This was an opportunity to meet with the local Police, Highways Team and officers from Kettering Borough Council, and discuss issues in Brambleside Ward.
I have raised numerous issues that have affected local residents, including:
- Litter and dog fouling: Kettering Borough Council will look to introduce more patrols of the ward.
- Re-painting road markings: The Northants County Council Highways Team will investigate this issue, and action any faded road markings that are posing a threat to your road safety.
- Re-surfacing the service road by The Beeswing: there are many potholes that need fixing. This road will be prioritised by NCC Highways team for future repairs and resurfacing.
- Play equipment on Pennine Way: Brambleside Community Association have been invited to apply for funding for any future play equipment at the Pennine Way park area.
Please get in touch if you would like to report any issues locally.